Sunday, August 21, 2016

Ending the summer on a high note (Friday)

Next Friday starts the three day event FuMPFeST 2016 at the Elk Grove Village Holiday Inn on route 83 and Landmeier Rd.

Here is my assessment including thinking of my daughter and nephew (who will be attending and seeing everyone there for the first time) of the many music performances and other events there in chronological order.

Opening ceremonies: B+: I wanted to create a video for the contest but it is probably best that I didn't knowing what I would have done.

Devo Spice: A-: The host and organizer leads a Friday night which I find strongest of the three by far. I know he will be performing material I have not seen before.

Rob Paravonian: B+: The Marscon 2015 GOH is playing at the same hotel I first saw him in May 2000. Since I was in serious pain during his set, I know I will enjoy this show more as he is more than a one song artist.

Bad parody ideas: B+: Anyone can present their idea and after last year, it should be better. FYI: Be afraid; be very afraid.

Worm Quartet: A: As the years press on, I see fewer performances by many and I miss seeing him on stage dammit.

The Gothsicles: B+: My age shows during their show. The last time I saw them perform, it was overwhelming. I am glad my daughter is now old enough to enjoy their show.

SeaMonkey: A: I can understand why it is advertised as his last show as people change as they get older. I am hoping my daughter is old enough to appreciate his content.

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