Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Up in flames

After the video of George Floyd became public, a tipping point was reached and some people were no longer satisfied with protests or marches. After a few people decided to break windows, many joined either seeking reparations or just "free stuff" believing that is why businesses have insurance.

However, many businesses won't rebuild either not wanting to or not having enough insurance and no doubt the rates will go up as the risk has now increased since people have now decided that when a person is wronged by police, the only way their anger will be understood is by destroying and stealing.

At least the professional athletes that chose to not play are not destroying property but are just hurting the feelings of many ignorant people.

I live in an apartment building that is 3/4 miles west of the edge of a runway at O'Hare Airport. On one side of the building ground floor is an insurance agent and a couple shops.

I realized today that if an officer injured or killed someone in error, my building would be at risk for looting and arson. 

More force is not the answer. Threatening to shoot looters is not the answer. The only viable solution that I see is to hold all lives responsible for their actions.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Toughing it out

In February, 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions while addressing the opoid epedemic suggested that people should take aspirin and tough it out. I realized that is what my father did for decades and that would explain why there was always a bottle of Excedrin in my parents' bedroom.

I also realized that this "Republican method of pain management" was detrimental to my father. Even though the aspirin helped the pain, the fact that it further thins someone with thin blood and overactive white blood cells (which is why there was an issue in the first place) did more harm than good.

I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis in 2014 and had been taking medication which though initially created for chemotherapy, is now also used to slow white blood cells. When COVID-19 became an issue, I decided to stop taking this medication since it leaves me immune compromised (and have on a couple occasions ended up real sick) and did not want to increase my chances of dying or ending up with permanent damage from a virus that has no vaccine or cure.

There have been moments where it became difficult to function properly since the pain medication I take is something I do not feel comfortable being on while driving a 6 ton fork truck and the over the counter items create digestive issues.

Last Saturday after practicing, I was at my mom's house and after sitting on a couch for a half hour, I could barely walk. Unlike the previous decades where I would hear phrases like "stop faking", "you're just out of shape", "this is funny", or as said by a doctor in 1991 "man up", there was actual concern. I realized I was in no shape to deliver food as well.

The Monday after, had the same problem after driving a fork truck and realized that I am approaching the point where being able to function is a concern. That evening, for the first time in 5 1/2 months, I took my arthritis medication. The following day, the static pain is less though I am not sure is that is from the medicine as it takes multiple doses for the full effect to be realized.

I also noticed there were three doses left and I need to get more through the mail... crap. At least I can get it refilled at my pharmacy.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

IRL experience

Had a pickup at Twin Peaks today. Their slogan is eats, drinks, scenic views.

One manager was explaining to the staff (all less than half my age) how pickups work and there were "ten peaks" to view. I realized that it had been a while since I have noticed anyone like that without looking at a screen and it felt weird.

The fact that they were so significantly younger than me, it really did not create the same reaction that the franchise tries to do.

I wanted to compliment them on their appearance but realized it could not be done without making it weird. The last time I was at that franchise years ago, the staff seemed normal but not today.

It seemed as awkward as my experience last summer involving cash for companionship when I was asking permission to do anything rather than reacting instinctively.

Makes me glad I am not longer interested.