Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Eligibility revisited

It was a surprise to see the top female disc golfer in the world participate in a local event in Alabama in January on a course she didn't play before the event and after one round was one shot behind someone whom I never heard of before but could tell was a real good player. Later that day found out the person transitioned a few years before and in an interview following round two, the top player in the world who was able to play better in round two and win by four shots stated she made the trip to play there in support of the transitioned player whose entry caused multiple other female pro players to withdraw from the event or change divisions.

Shortly before the Disc Golf Pro Tour series began, the Professional Disc Golf Association stated they are following the international sports guidelines for determining eligibility of transitioned female players and reading those guidelines realized no one could just "declare themselves female" and compete in divisions restricted to them. There were some replies to the statement disagreeing with the PDGA stating the M in divisions stands for mixed and that is where transitioned players belong.

The transitioned player has competed in two DGPT events finishing 41st out of 48 in an elite series one and 21st out of 38th (one shot short of cashing) in a silver series event.

Last Sunday had a situation where I could not form an accurate and immediate response. Someone who has likely watched as much women's sports as I do was exceptionally upset about the number of transitioned athletes winning local and high school events around the US. Due to the circumstances involved did not want to create a scene and knowing I can write better than I speak, leaving the response here:

It is logical to believe the difference between men's and women's athletic ability is related to the difference in the reproductive organs and that should be the only factor in determining eligibility for female restricted sport events.

It is also unfair for anyone to misrepresent themselves or their ability in order to participate in an event they would otherwise be ineligible.

I admit that I am not an expert in genetics or biology and don't understand the findings or explanation of how a person born male can be declared medically eligible to play as a female. However, similar to those who deal with infectious disease, it makes sense to trust the opinions and findings made by those who are considered experts in their field.

Unlike how it has been depicted in movies and on TV, people don't transition so they can win a specific event but because that is who they believe they are. I also hope those athletes have followed the guidelines set and are medically eligible to participate.

Also the idea of declaring a separate division for trans people is ignorant nonsense and the word you were trying to find to describe divisions exclusively for those with female reproductive organs would be "breeders".

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Marscon 2022 by the numbers

Days before event confirmed I would be able to attend: 3

Vacation days used to attend in 2004-05/2006-2012/2013-2016: 2/6/10

Vacation days able to take in 2022: 1

Days between previous vacation day and that Friday that were not spent in a hotel emergency room: 203

Hours between home from work Thursday and planning to leave Friday: 9 1/2

Minutes spent Friday morning trying to convince daughter to "call in sick" to work and go with me: 30

Times on way there stopped at place where "dementia fun bus" would stop: 2

Professional Disc Golf Association major championships won by Barry Schultz whose round at Wakanda Park in Menomonie (do-do-do-do-do), WI in May 2007 was his second highest rated round in 30 years: 15

People I know who also played in that event: 2

Holes played there played as the weather, high winds, and snow/ice made playing the whole course dangerous: 1

People at the Arby's in Menomonie (do-do-do-do-do) who looked at me in various levels of disgust after I played Ross Childs video singing "Menomonie, do-do-do-do-do" then laughing: 8

Decades I showed a similar look to those who made a reference after hearing my last name: 5

Total time from leaving home to arriving at Bloomington Hilton: 8hr, 20min

Wind chill when arriving at hotel: -15°F

Other people who saw picture taken in a hotel hot tub on Thursday and were disappointed to find out that hotel pool is closed: 3 

Years room key card from my previous stay at Marscon was in my wallet before being replaced by 2022 room key: 6

Items on limited hotel restaurant menu whose names were inspired by sci Fi: 7

Minutes between food arriving at table and Luke Ski getting phone call requiring him to head to head to the main stage: 0

Music artists who had items for sale at Table 27: 8

Formats the music could be purchased: 5 (download card, CD, LP, cassette, 8 track)

Books written by "Bad Beth" that were available: 2

Artists performing on Friday: 3

Active parties on floor 11: 3

Temp in Bloomington, MN at 6 AM on Saturday morning: -1°F

Miles from Hilton to Cedarcrest Park: 2.5

Temp on car at 10 AM to play 9 hole short disc golf course there: 8°F

Tees covered by snow and ice forcing me to use app and GPS to find: 7

Tees unsafe due to ice causing the shot from alternate spot to be much more difficult: 1

Baskets completely surrounded by ice causing me to use 16 foot extendable pole to safely get disc: 1

Score on course: 24/ -3

Number of consecutive years playing disc golf on Marscon Saturday when water aerobics would be happening: 6

Number of years playing disc golf on Dec 25: 4

Number of years playing disc golf at Dellwood on Sept 25: 3

Artists who decided to make a long drive to Marscon after hearing they were a Logan Award finalist: 3

Times over weekend someone was singing on stage with a box on their head: 2

Signs used by music GOH TV's Kyle during set: 6

Songs performed from new album L'il Delli released as TV's Kyle got on stage to start their set: 19

Of the 15 Logan Award finalist entries, ones I had heard or seen before the ceremony: 4

Total number of Logan Award finalist appearances by Insane Ian without winning who released a compilation CD of them for the weekend: 13

Percentage of Logan Award finalists in the 11 years that were by Insane Ian: 8.4

Odds of not winning once in those 13 finalists including two for the same category same year: 19.4 - 1

With the win in 2022, number of Logan Awards won the the Boobies, a collaboration of artists creating Beatles parodies about boobs with all proceeds going towards breast cancer research: 2

First year taking a "flippie" of a large Pepsi sign in the Mall of America south food court expressing my unhappiness about their exclusive contract with all restaurants there: 2011

Adult beverages consumed at the limited number of parties no doubt affected by COVID and virus protocols: 0

People who performed "nerdlesque" late Saturday evening: 5

Temp Sunday morning when I returned to Cedarcrest Park to play another nine: 38°F

Score there: 23/ -4

Different holes holes birdied in 2 days: 6

Cans of Coke Zero left in hotel fridge: 3

Age of oldest main stage full show performer when youngest one was born: 47

Number of Luke Ski performed songs that were released before youngest performer was born: 4

Number of photographs of me in the ten minute Marscon through the years picture presentation created by "mom Ski" : 10

Number of entries in Dumb Parody Ideas: 9

Number of entries that surprised the on stage tech assistant by actually providing a background track to their idea: 2

People who ended up eating at MOA north food court after convention making me ponder whether to let boss know I am "having car issues" and won't be back until Tuesday: 14

Safe for 10 year old pictures shown to Alex Ann of her parents at Marscon before she was born: 8

Time passing by Hilton on way home: 7:02PM.

Minutes on drive home when asked by text message to join others for a game in hotel lobby: 111

Wait at Menomonie Speedway for cash register to reboot after accidental scan of QR code instead of UPC code caused it to crash: 4 minutes

Gas mileage from Portage, WI "Tron Skillet" area to Menomonie Speedway: 19.8 mpg

Gas mileage from Menomonie Speedway to Beloit Speedway: 22.4 mph

Difference in gas prices between Speedway location in Beloit, WI and Bensenville, IL: 58 cents

Tracks on Insane Ian CD Illinoise started while crossing border: 17

Time home: 1:22 AM

Hours asked to come in early on Monday after two coworkers called in: 3

Hours from when I got home to heading back to work at regular time: 9 1/4

Hours from when table 27 was closed until final sales report was sent and badge could be officially removed: 29