Thursday, December 29, 2022

2022 recap

Since I will be working on Dec 31 and not playing a one round event, my season ended in November.

Here is a chart listing the 41 total rated rounds:

The higher the par rating, the more difficult the round played. There were multiple times where a course played 3-4 shots more difficult due to weather be it high winds, rain, or cold. 

Just like 2021, my highest rated round was in October at 50 Acre in bad weather. The lowest rated round (and lowest in 5 years) started 15 hours after walking a round at Sunset Hills (which caused me to respect the FPO players who do that) followed by players dinner and fly mart the fifth day in a row playing and my legs had nothing.

I was surprised to realize that only 20 of the 41 rounds had a par rating over 900. It felt like due to weather and playing Worlds, it would be higher.

Second chart shows by hole:

The mixed layout in Round Lake as well as multiple layouts at Dellwood skip some hole numbers. 

Unlike the par ratings which went by what was listed on the site, the birdies listed are from the point of view of a MA55 player as opposed to someone significantly better than me.

Friday, December 23, 2022

An open letter to Spotify

I appreciate that the muffled lyrics sung by the eight-year-old cartoon character wearing an orange hoodie were listed along with those by a piece of talking poop in a song about Mary but I wish to register a complaint.

I had to pull my car over along the expressway to check my phone since that song was followed by Holly Jolly Christmas thinking it was added to my play list in error only to discover it was recommended by the app itself. Though I appreciate suggestions, only want them seen when searching for more songs. 

When driving this time of year, want to hear songs from an English Python member, two east coast people, or three originally from Kingston, Ontario, Canada that share my point of view as well as December songs about John McClane, cooking done of chipmunks or by a senile woman, a father getting sick during dinner, a thong, pegging, crescent city residents going on a slay ride, Santa doing a similar thing at the North Pole, a world run by robot overlords, or a medley of songs mocking the warped point of view taken in late 2016 by people who eventually supported the man that attempted to overthrow the US turning it into a fascist theocracy, the title initially inspired by my desire to create a parody of a Bing Crosby song from the point of view of the man who shoehorned a Lincoln's birthday celebration into a movie so he could perform in blackface.

I NEVER want to hear a happy song from Burl fucking Ives.

Scoring: One point for every song referenced that is on my December Spotify playlist with an additional point if you read the end of the first line in the voice of John Cleese.

0 points: You are likely normal and possibly a 2022 inductee into the Illinois Disc Golf Hall of Fame.

1-3 points: You are likely a current or former coworker of mine who had to listen to my babble or sharing of music.

4-6 points: You likely know almost or all the songs but the clues are not clear enough to figure out.

7+ points: Thank you for putting up with me.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

The dreams we had

After today's 13th straight day of work, headed to Dellwood for a flex round event. As I got out of the car, realized between physical fatigue, the spasms in my left leg initially caused by aggravating six weeks prior the same injury to my left IT band half a lifetime ago, three walks down hills including one on the final hole where there was a three card wait, playing the event would not be feasible especially registered for one the next day.

I said hi to multiple people there, purchased a disc offered by the person running the event, and limped off towards my car holding back tears while forcing myself to leave. Though it would be nice to add to the stats, recently realized there has always been more to why I put myself through the pain, frustration, and aggravation by doing something most consider fun.

Though living past 25 was not expected as a kid, there was wonder on what would happen if I survived. Most of those dreams were never realized due to many reasons but one is still going. There was always a desire to play sport which thanks to disc golf, can do.

When I can't play, feel like a complete failure. Some of the things done in the past have compensated for it but now in 2022, realized they are no longer plausible. Still know the idea of not being alone would not be fair to anyone whom I would be with. Have declined opportunity to ask someone out not wanting to put her through me. Know that I can't clean up and head to Windycon to party which for years is where I celebrated my birthday as I am too tired to even make it to the point where parties would be open.

This year will involve one last tournament to close the season. Last year before the plan of taking a four day weekend playing courses in Peoria and Northwood Black on my birthday ended up with work, that plan was a birthday tournament out of state.

Though I upset the 15 year old version of me earlier this week by not basing my votes on race, sex, or fully functional limbs but by who is less likely to endorse or be endorsed by the person who attempted to overthrow the country and turn it into a fascist theocracy, still feel obligated to find a way to get my body out there and play the event.

Monday, October 17, 2022

The $35,000 putt

Thanks to multiple non disc golf sponsorships, two professionals received a check for $35,000 each setting a new record for earnings in a year.

Though I disagree with the FPO pay scale at the top being equal since there were fewer players, the MPO finish is what inspired the post.

People were stating that the winning playoff putt by Ricky Wysocki was worth $35,000 but in reality, it wasn't. Here is how and when the $35,000 was earned:

$5,500: Feb 24 through Sep 25: earned by finishing among the top four in points for the season earning a bye into the semi finals of the tour championship. (Someone who disagrees with my post would mention Ricky finished first but no matter the placing, all from 1st through 4th were guaranteed that amount and had they failed to advance to the finals, that would be their pay.)

Before the DGPT was established, there were bonus dollars paid to highest overall players for the series events so that is what I equate to this.

$3,500: Oct 15: The four with the highest scores in the semi finals were guaranteed $9,000 so once Ricky was in the top 4, that is what he earned.

$5,000: Oct 16 hole 17: Once Paul McBeth failed to make the putt for a 3, he was assured of finishing worse than Ricky and that made the $14,000 third place the minimum.

$3,000: Oct 16 hole 18 fairway: After Buhr's roller went OB, the worst Ricky would finish is tied for second earning total of $17,000

$3,000: Oct 16 hole 18 green: Ricky needed to make a 28 foot putt to force a playoff. By doing do, he guaranteed $20,000 total.

$15,000: Oct 16 hole 18 playoff: When Ricky's second shot on the difficult par 4 finished 35 feet away practically on the same line as the previous putt, there was no doubt it was going in.

Though the prize and 2022 total earnings were the largest ever in the sport, they will likely be surpassed in the future and ten years from now people will remember 2022 more McBeth's sixth world's title, Buhr's first major, or the amazing season Tattar had.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Accepting the challenge

Unlike previous years, the 2022 club challenge was weird to everyone and not just me. Once it was announced that due to a scoring error that was discovered a couple days ago, the club I participated in was declared the winner for the 2021 event. Had the error not happened, I would have not been able to enjoy the win since I was in the ER finding out that I would have needed to wait two hours to get the bee stinger taken out of my leg.

Weather was the weird issue this year as it was necessary to halt play due to storms. Between that and one new hole causing a massive delay, the event needed to be shortened to one round. Since I finally played a satisfactory round in the event and knowing others from my club did well, was hoping that my club would win so I can hold the trophy and like Ray Borque finish with a win.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. What surprised me was how the event was lost. The two best players there who represented the second place club significantly underperformed in their round and had they shot their rating and not 10 shots worse combined than expected, their club would have won easily.

After watching some US players fail in the 1976 Olympic games, told people those athletes should apologize for their performance and then was asked if I would have done the same thing in their situation. My answer was definitely and for decades have been told by teammates that my apologies made towards them for poor performances were unnecessary. 

Tonight watched coverage one of those two from last weekend play even with one of the best disc golfers in the world who a week later refered to that person as a legend. Commentary also stated about his positive attitude towards play even after bad shots.

I look at my left arm with two bruises knowing why they are there.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Failing to deliver

Though I wanted to take a more active role in volunteering at last year's Clash at the Canyons, my physical situation meant that it was best for me to be stationed at the stairs of course #16, Clash #3, making sure only players descended the stairs.

All Sunday, I thanked everyone for making the trip to Dellwood and got interesting replies by pros but the one made on the final group hit me hard as it was insulting.

While driving home tired and hungry decided to get myself to the point where I could justify playing MP50 in 2022 and then run into that player either in practice or at the tournament. The afternoon before the 2022 event, I am sitting on my chair with the alarm set for 3AM for work writing this finally feeling normal again after last week's Masters World's as opposed to getting ready for a Friday tee time.

Between failures of physical, game, and food, am not worthy of playing. Even if I took the recently opened last MP50+ spot, I would likely withdraw since it would not be fair to those in my group to deal with someone unqualified to play in the event. When I played my worst round in 7 years last Wednesday, I apologized for how poorly I played and even asked those at the Discraft booth if they wanted their hat back since I wore it for the round.

In the past I have stated it is wrong to expect certain results when the effort to get them is not made and that applies to me. It was humbling one week ago at this time making the "walk of shame" to get my disc out of the pond in front of basket 6 at Sunset Hills with my retriever especially walking past two local MA55+ players in the chase card waiting to play #12.

Since nothing has really changed in the past 55 weeks, now what? I know physical will improve with food and physical was a big problem last week. Similar to bowling and ball golf, I know many bad shots happen before they are attempted by either stance or the idea for the shot.

However, there has to be more than that. Thanks to lifting weights, can throw the disc farther than I used to but I know it is not enough. If I really want to get better, I need to commit and not just want.

A visiting pro has offered to give one hour lessons and though not sure how much he can help an obese arthritic 56 year old man but it makes sense for someone who spent well over a thousand dollars to play a major tournament to spend $60 to see what he can do.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Worlds balance by the numbers

Tee shots in fairway round 2: 3

Distance drive on #3 rolled back down hill: 80

Pars on front 9: 1

Years since playing a round with a worse rating: 7

Positions dropped: 26

Holes played at Meddigo in fading twilight: 3

Holes birdied there: 2

Homes on drive to Sunset Hills displaying a flag supporting the person who on Jan 6, 2021 sent a group of people to the Capitol building in an attempt to overthrow the confirmation of a lost election: 4

Shots thrown off #4 tee at Sunset Hills with expendable disc: 3

Total distance cleared water with first two in inches: 18

Distance drive in third round from basket in feet: 12

Score in round 3 after five holes: -2

Total penalty shots taken last 13 holes: 5

Score in round 3 last 13 holes: +13

Discs hitting top of wall of pond on #6 then falling back in: 2

Total round 3 strokes lost due to making the correct shot but with the wrong disc: 8

Minutes after round at the pond on #6 retrieving discs: 90

Total discs recovered (including the one of mine I wanted to get back): 10

Holes played in round 4 while it was raining: 15

Successful round 4 rollers thrown off tee: 3

Distance of birdie throw in on #7: 60

Total drives missed badly left with Buzzz SS before not using it: 6

Shots missed the cut: 18

Shots out of first after four rounds: 47

Shots behind winner in second place finish at two round event in March: 13

More shots taken this week to same person who won the MA50+ title: 50

Final position out of 69: 54

Total shots thrown worse than rating: 5

Times almost going down due to sloppy conditions caddying afternoon round at McNaughton: 5

Days after final round ended having enough energy to write this post: 4

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

World's day one by the numbers

Time at Lake Eureka property: 745AM
Holes on temp course taking picture: 5
Players seen throwing their first shot of event: 11
Employees at Cracker Barrel who did not know the event was Tue-Sat and not Thu-Sun which is what the tour event is: 3
Minutes before 230 tee time I arrived at Sunset Hills: 90
Groups I watched tee off before mine: 4
Shots thrown with putter on #1 leading to bad double bogey: 4
Inches past OB line with "water disc" on #4: 6
Inches on wrong side of OB line with that disc on #6: 4
Times course marshal was able to clarify where OB is causing me to throw a different shot than planned: 2
Badly pulled shots with G star Shrike on back nine each causing me to lose a shot: 4
Times I threw a different disc not trusting that one: 2
Times I should have thrown a different disc instead of trying to make that one work: 2
Total shots from group made from beyond 10 meters: 5
People watching group finish on #18: 12
Shots better than rating: 3.5
Place out of 69: t31
Chicago area ams in top 4 in their division: 3
Extra shirts with event name at Fly Mart available for sale: 50
Those in 3XL: 0

Monday, July 11, 2022

Pre worlds by the numbers

Miles driven Sunday for IL States round two, back home, back for IL Hall of Fame ceremony, to Northwood Park to practice a bit, and to hotel: 240

Circle K gas stations seen in Morton as my attempt to take a faster route to the hotel was blocked by construction: 3

Shots better on Sunday than my previous best round at Highland: 3

Shots on Sunday worse than two best scores in my division: 3

Times during round 2 of IL States I was extremely careful descending cliff to play a shot that went long: 2

Rounds played with one of the new IL disc golf hall of fame inductees at Lombard Commons a few years ago without realizing who he was: 4

Others in attendance wearing clothing representing club for other inductee: 2

Holes played on the high side of Northwood Park blue not wanting to deal with hills: 5

Holes trying roller off tee taking advice of MP60 player: 3

Holes birdied using roller off a tee: 1

Different recorded holes now birdied sat that time according to my Excel file: 555

Other holes birdied using a roller off the tee: 0

Distance in feet a FJ15 player who plans to be in the final 4 on Saturday afternoon threw drive past mine: 40

Other junior players seen in the hour at Northwood Blue practicing for their potential final nine there: 3

Years since I was last in a swimming pool: 6

Strokes swam before cramp in both legs: 2

MA55 players currently in division: 69

MA55 players I have played on a card with that I remember: 7

MA50, MA60, MA65, and MA70 players I remember playing in a foursome with: 1 each 

Seconds out of the 150 on hotel waffle machine one was cooking before realizing the batter is cinnamon flavored and I will have to throw it away: 125

Discs in player pack: 6

Size specific items that had to be given from boxes for player pack: 3

Other items that will definitely be used: 2

Items unlikely to use: 3

Dollars to play Sunset Hills practice round: 5

Dollars for ball golf cart rental: 11

Dollars "offered" to the TD at player meeting to allow golf carts to be used since that course is extremely difficult to walk: 40

Penalty shots taken during round: 5

Times a "water disc" was thrown: 4

Times a "water disc" got wet: 1

Discs successfully retrieved from water hazard: 3

Times within 20 meters for a birdie shot: 4

Extra discs added to bag for round one to be used on a shot that might be lost: 4

Nations that have a player at the event: 15

Chicago area players met at ceremony/player meeting: 5

Number of times running into same FP40 player from Denmark in 24 hours: 3

Number of groups that will play Sunset Hills for round one: 37

Number of groups that will play Sunset Hills in round one before me: 36

Total players in Masters Worlds: 808

Total players on the 8 courses used on Tuesday whose tee time is later than mine: 4

Recapturing the Joy

 To better understand this post, read this past entry:

What follows began the morning after the night where the pain and exhaustion from the dislocated kneecap and the 2019 Worlds left me at the point where the only reason I did not consume all the pain medication I had with me was being physically unable to get out of bed to get to it.

As normal woke up just as sunrise was breaking. As I rolled over to check my phone for the time, felt a pop in my right knee along with the rush of fluid that occasionally comes with it. Was relieved and annoyed that it was the right knee popping back into place. Though physically tired, the normal things one needs to do became less difficult.

As I ate the hotel breakfast (which was much nicer than the one at the previous hotel where someone got shot earlier that week), was contemplating what happened. That is when the decision was made to find a way to get back to Worlds and this time have a performance worthy of the event.

Later that year, the play got better and on Thanksgiving weekend, won my first tournament featuring a field that consisted of more than one group.

Having decided to put down the controller in and pick up a barbel in 2020 showed with 10% extra distance and by year end, the rating was at a personal high point and 2021 started with a win.

One bad step on a rainy day in May eventually led to a frustrating balance of 2021 where round two was always worse usually due to physical issues. Multiple times (2 back, 2 right knee, 1 bee sting, 2 physically exhausted) round 2 should have not been completed and twice (toe and groin) round one should have never even played. The season ended a few weeks early due to a non disc golf leg injury which could have been far worse than it was. Unfortunately, poor eating habits developed from that and combined with stress of work shows on the scale.

2022 for the most part was a continuation of physical frustration. The elbow and large knee braces purchased have been used this year and one event needed the large one repaired.

Somehow, on an easy version of a course a month ago was able to play smart enough and make enough shots and putts to finish a surprising 3rd out of 17 in a B tier with the 5th best lifetime rated round.

Later today will be checking into 2022 Worlds near Peoria, IL. When the email about the event arrived three weeks ago, my "Christmas season" began and life sucked less than normal. When one spends the majority of the three years since the previous "Christmas" miserable, the happiness that balances it over a short time frame is amazing and no doubt will continue until the lack of ability and physical competency starts to show on the course. As I pulled into the course yesterday where the 36 world champions will be awarded on the following Saturday seeing all the signage, the tears of joy returned.

This week's goal is to appreciate the event more while it is happening since the pain, discomfort, and performance made the 2019 event almost literally become a march towards my death through the rocky hills of south central Pennsylvania.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Eligibility again

I was among the many who wanted Chicago area player Barrett White to win her 10th major championship in last weekend's US Women's Disc Golf event but my reason was different.

I wanted a Chicago resident whose kind words in November 2019 during warmup for round two turned out to be the key to me winning the event by six shots to win. Others wanted her top two competitors to not win claiming they were not eligible for the F part. The 4 shot lead going into the final round turned into a 14 shot win and I was among those who agree she is one of the greatest masters disc golfers in history and not just a midwest legend.

Today, I got a FB message request from someone who wanted me to vote for two people running for the board of directors for the sole purpose of "saving women's disc golf". I thanked him for the info but didn't tell him that I now know for who to NOT vote.

Though conflicted after seeing players with MA1 and MA2 physical ability and the swimming policy chance stating puberty defines gender for life but realize that no one is going to go through what it takes to be eligible for the sole purpose of winning a few hundred dollars.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

The desire for a theocracy

Thanks in part to certain people who voted in 2016 for someone who promised to repeal Roe vs Wade, six out of a group of nine have done so.

That and follow up ideas people are wanting to pursue are based on ideas presented in a book written centuries ago that demand heterosexual monogamy and producing as many children as possible to prevent the small tribes that existed back then from dying out or suffering inbreeding.

When my failed future presented by me in the story was about my actions inspiring a movement which created a theocracy in the US, I was imagining a scenario that would never seen attempted.

When discussing the SCOTUS decision with my mom today, she was very upset especially that her two daughters and multiple nieces and nephews were among those whose vote in 2016 was solely determined by the desire to repeal Roe vs Wade. She has a very good reason.

Shortly after my mom married in 1964, she got pregnant with twins. Potentially due to misunderstanding the dangers of smoking during pregnancy, it got to the point where in 5 months, her life was in danger and it was determined the best course of action was to medically induce labor and deliver the twins who died within a day.

There are laws in some states that would today charge my mom and her doctor with murder for this. According to those laws, she would be required to carry the fetuses until they were "naturally" born or until she died or be subject to arrest otherwise.

I am aware that her scenario might not have happened in 2022 but there are still pregnancies that fail due to no fault of the mother and pregnancies where it can be determined that the fetus would produce a child that would likely be unable to function as an adult. 

The same former friend who told me he was longer allowed to associate with me since I failed to "accept the love and eternal salvation provided by the sacrifice made by the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" decided to allow his wife to give birth to someone who is unlikely to be able to take care of herself as an adult. Earlier this week, he passed away and I have no idea what will happen to his family.

My one sister who has a daughter in her late 20s had her thoughts changed by being presented a scenario where a pregnancy from a rape could force her to possibly be the grandmother of a black child.

There are proposed laws that would also remove contraception, non hetero marriages, and potentially mixed race marriages. I am hoping there are enough people to realize that to advance as a nation, we can't go back to ideals from generations past but evolve.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Eligibility part 3

Waking up at 430 AM last Sunday had the opportunity to watch edited round two coverage of the lead card at the FPO elite series disc golf pro tour event.

Though interested in watching the best FPO player in the world handle the new layout, was most interested in the second place player whose previous recent finish inspired a group that wants to "save women's disc golf" to solicit donations to compensate every player who lost earnings claiming that she should not be allowed in FPO because she was born male ignoring the ruling made by an international sports organization which allows transgender athletes to compete under specific conditions.

Though not 100% positive that I never saw her play before but the game I saw of hers was not an FPO player but an MA1 one. It is possible knowing her circumstances influenced my observation but compared to the three card mates, there was a definite difference in how powerful the disc was released even compared to the best FPO player in the world (and arguably all time).

After reeling off five straight birdies on the back nine in the third and final round, the transgender player was tied with the best player in the world with two holes to go eight shots clear of the rest of the field. Double bogeys on the final two holes caused her to finish second by 4 shots still 4 shots clear of the rest of the field.

People in discussion groups were expressing their displeasure (losing their shit) especially while the six shot final round defeceit was erased. Many comments about the coverage all weekend were using dead name pronouns while stating the player should not be allowed in FPO with suggestions of TPO and APO (alt pro open for anyone female who isn't hetero monogamous). One good point made was stating that no trans man has ever succeeded in sport.

The fact there is a part three of this topic shows internal conflict about this situation. Unless it is a deliberate attempt to gain FPO eligibility as opposed to wanting to be female and the eligibility guidelines are continuously met, will support trans FPO players.

I do wonder if the guidelines need to be adjusted.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Returning for Christmas

Though Marscon for many years was what I considered Christmas, it is no longer the case. Though I finally was able to go this year for the first time in 6 years, with COVID and its restrictions there was about 60% of normal attendence and instead of MARSCON!!!, it was Marscon. Nice to be there but the vibe which caused all caps just wasn't there.

Following 35 anxious seconds this week waiting for a busy website after making sure I did not fall asleep before 930 at night the first week back on first shift, I am registered for the 2022 PDGA Masters World Championship held in Peoria, IL this July. After my experience in 2019 was memorable for the pain from a dislocated knee that a doctor wrote a note excusing the week off from work, really want to go back to a worlds.

Will need to reserve a hotel from Sunday through Thursday nights likely heading home after my fourth round on Friday through the event will end  the Saturday after and not because I have VIP tickets for Weird Al on Saturday.

Only the top 40% of players will be playing on Saturday. Though I am good enough to justify travelling about 150 miles to play, making the cut is unlikely. The average rating to make the cut in 2021 was 914 and only five of my 50 rated rounds played in 21/22 were rated at least that high and all of them were on courses far easier than the two being played in my division in the event.

Of the 76 registered players in my division, my rating is currently 63rd. Five players have a rating higher than my highest lifetime rated round. Many in that division are simply better than me.

Some call that a defeatist attitude. I call it a realistic one but would be very happy if I would need to scramble to find a place to stay that Friday then drive back to Chicago for the concert. I would not mind if that made the planned upcoming project not valid as well.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

It's time for number one ... on stage

At the end of 1974, Dr. Demento had his first syndication end of year most requested song countdown incorporating the same feature used in the separate LA radio version of the show and with the exception of 1977, has done it every year including the on line paid streaming version of the show which is currently still being done every weekend and can be heard at

Since the song Dead Puppies was #1 in both 1982 and 1983, 46 different tracks have finished the year as the #1 most requested song. At last year's FuMPFeST, there was a time slot dedicated to those #1 songs that appeared on the FuMP, whose artists which posted songs to the site had a 16 year streak of having the #1 song of the year (including the five years before the FuMP was launched in 2007).

To my surprise it took almost eight months for me to wonder how many Dr. Demento #1 songs of the year I have seen live and thanks to the site, I was able to in a few days compile this chart.

Unlike the post about seeing Grease Wars performed, it has been too many years to try to count the times seeing those three Luke Ski songs live.

The partials are Weird Al performing a verse/chorus of multiple songs during his shows, Frantics member Peter Wildman doing the Boot To the Head song, and for Spiderverses, three of the seven who did a verse were live while the other verses were shown from the video.

It is possible that Weird Al will do the Hamilton Polka (2018 #1 song) on his tour I will see this summer and that I could see Knuckleheadz do their 2021 #1 song Pee in My Pants. Not optimistic about seeing Lemon Demon (2006 The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny) or any others and who knows about the future.

While doing this, realized how fortunate I am to have seen so many awesome songs performed by so many awesome and talented people and I want to thank them as well as Dr. Demento for all he has done since I likely would not have experienced much of this without him.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Eligibility revisited

It was a surprise to see the top female disc golfer in the world participate in a local event in Alabama in January on a course she didn't play before the event and after one round was one shot behind someone whom I never heard of before but could tell was a real good player. Later that day found out the person transitioned a few years before and in an interview following round two, the top player in the world who was able to play better in round two and win by four shots stated she made the trip to play there in support of the transitioned player whose entry caused multiple other female pro players to withdraw from the event or change divisions.

Shortly before the Disc Golf Pro Tour series began, the Professional Disc Golf Association stated they are following the international sports guidelines for determining eligibility of transitioned female players and reading those guidelines realized no one could just "declare themselves female" and compete in divisions restricted to them. There were some replies to the statement disagreeing with the PDGA stating the M in divisions stands for mixed and that is where transitioned players belong.

The transitioned player has competed in two DGPT events finishing 41st out of 48 in an elite series one and 21st out of 38th (one shot short of cashing) in a silver series event.

Last Sunday had a situation where I could not form an accurate and immediate response. Someone who has likely watched as much women's sports as I do was exceptionally upset about the number of transitioned athletes winning local and high school events around the US. Due to the circumstances involved did not want to create a scene and knowing I can write better than I speak, leaving the response here:

It is logical to believe the difference between men's and women's athletic ability is related to the difference in the reproductive organs and that should be the only factor in determining eligibility for female restricted sport events.

It is also unfair for anyone to misrepresent themselves or their ability in order to participate in an event they would otherwise be ineligible.

I admit that I am not an expert in genetics or biology and don't understand the findings or explanation of how a person born male can be declared medically eligible to play as a female. However, similar to those who deal with infectious disease, it makes sense to trust the opinions and findings made by those who are considered experts in their field.

Unlike how it has been depicted in movies and on TV, people don't transition so they can win a specific event but because that is who they believe they are. I also hope those athletes have followed the guidelines set and are medically eligible to participate.

Also the idea of declaring a separate division for trans people is ignorant nonsense and the word you were trying to find to describe divisions exclusively for those with female reproductive organs would be "breeders".

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Marscon 2022 by the numbers

Days before event confirmed I would be able to attend: 3

Vacation days used to attend in 2004-05/2006-2012/2013-2016: 2/6/10

Vacation days able to take in 2022: 1

Days between previous vacation day and that Friday that were not spent in a hotel emergency room: 203

Hours between home from work Thursday and planning to leave Friday: 9 1/2

Minutes spent Friday morning trying to convince daughter to "call in sick" to work and go with me: 30

Times on way there stopped at place where "dementia fun bus" would stop: 2

Professional Disc Golf Association major championships won by Barry Schultz whose round at Wakanda Park in Menomonie (do-do-do-do-do), WI in May 2007 was his second highest rated round in 30 years: 15

People I know who also played in that event: 2

Holes played there played as the weather, high winds, and snow/ice made playing the whole course dangerous: 1

People at the Arby's in Menomonie (do-do-do-do-do) who looked at me in various levels of disgust after I played Ross Childs video singing "Menomonie, do-do-do-do-do" then laughing: 8

Decades I showed a similar look to those who made a reference after hearing my last name: 5

Total time from leaving home to arriving at Bloomington Hilton: 8hr, 20min

Wind chill when arriving at hotel: -15°F

Other people who saw picture taken in a hotel hot tub on Thursday and were disappointed to find out that hotel pool is closed: 3 

Years room key card from my previous stay at Marscon was in my wallet before being replaced by 2022 room key: 6

Items on limited hotel restaurant menu whose names were inspired by sci Fi: 7

Minutes between food arriving at table and Luke Ski getting phone call requiring him to head to head to the main stage: 0

Music artists who had items for sale at Table 27: 8

Formats the music could be purchased: 5 (download card, CD, LP, cassette, 8 track)

Books written by "Bad Beth" that were available: 2

Artists performing on Friday: 3

Active parties on floor 11: 3

Temp in Bloomington, MN at 6 AM on Saturday morning: -1°F

Miles from Hilton to Cedarcrest Park: 2.5

Temp on car at 10 AM to play 9 hole short disc golf course there: 8°F

Tees covered by snow and ice forcing me to use app and GPS to find: 7

Tees unsafe due to ice causing the shot from alternate spot to be much more difficult: 1

Baskets completely surrounded by ice causing me to use 16 foot extendable pole to safely get disc: 1

Score on course: 24/ -3

Number of consecutive years playing disc golf on Marscon Saturday when water aerobics would be happening: 6

Number of years playing disc golf on Dec 25: 4

Number of years playing disc golf at Dellwood on Sept 25: 3

Artists who decided to make a long drive to Marscon after hearing they were a Logan Award finalist: 3

Times over weekend someone was singing on stage with a box on their head: 2

Signs used by music GOH TV's Kyle during set: 6

Songs performed from new album L'il Delli released as TV's Kyle got on stage to start their set: 19

Of the 15 Logan Award finalist entries, ones I had heard or seen before the ceremony: 4

Total number of Logan Award finalist appearances by Insane Ian without winning who released a compilation CD of them for the weekend: 13

Percentage of Logan Award finalists in the 11 years that were by Insane Ian: 8.4

Odds of not winning once in those 13 finalists including two for the same category same year: 19.4 - 1

With the win in 2022, number of Logan Awards won the the Boobies, a collaboration of artists creating Beatles parodies about boobs with all proceeds going towards breast cancer research: 2

First year taking a "flippie" of a large Pepsi sign in the Mall of America south food court expressing my unhappiness about their exclusive contract with all restaurants there: 2011

Adult beverages consumed at the limited number of parties no doubt affected by COVID and virus protocols: 0

People who performed "nerdlesque" late Saturday evening: 5

Temp Sunday morning when I returned to Cedarcrest Park to play another nine: 38°F

Score there: 23/ -4

Different holes holes birdied in 2 days: 6

Cans of Coke Zero left in hotel fridge: 3

Age of oldest main stage full show performer when youngest one was born: 47

Number of Luke Ski performed songs that were released before youngest performer was born: 4

Number of photographs of me in the ten minute Marscon through the years picture presentation created by "mom Ski" : 10

Number of entries in Dumb Parody Ideas: 9

Number of entries that surprised the on stage tech assistant by actually providing a background track to their idea: 2

People who ended up eating at MOA north food court after convention making me ponder whether to let boss know I am "having car issues" and won't be back until Tuesday: 14

Safe for 10 year old pictures shown to Alex Ann of her parents at Marscon before she was born: 8

Time passing by Hilton on way home: 7:02PM.

Minutes on drive home when asked by text message to join others for a game in hotel lobby: 111

Wait at Menomonie Speedway for cash register to reboot after accidental scan of QR code instead of UPC code caused it to crash: 4 minutes

Gas mileage from Portage, WI "Tron Skillet" area to Menomonie Speedway: 19.8 mpg

Gas mileage from Menomonie Speedway to Beloit Speedway: 22.4 mph

Difference in gas prices between Speedway location in Beloit, WI and Bensenville, IL: 58 cents

Tracks on Insane Ian CD Illinoise started while crossing border: 17

Time home: 1:22 AM

Hours asked to come in early on Monday after two coworkers called in: 3

Hours from when I got home to heading back to work at regular time: 9 1/4

Hours from when table 27 was closed until final sales report was sent and badge could be officially removed: 29

Sunday, February 20, 2022

The end of days

While contemplating mortality and the estimate of my death, realized it is time to write another story. I know it begins the Saturday before my 25th birthday when death is avoided and figured the ending as such:

As the clock approaches 5:30 in the bar, the madman thanks everyone for listening to his story. He expresses regret for those he harmed having learned a long time ago that fixing the past is as futile as trying to get an egg back into the busted shell.

The crowd erupts in pleasure as he offers everyone a shot to drink with him. The madman holds up the glass and proclaims, "Half a lifetime ago, I determined this was the moment I was going to die. However, at this time, I feel well and actually am not in any pain. To 'Now what'.

"Now what", the bar patrons reply.


He immediately collapses on the floor as the stunned patrons look in shock. The view changes to a hospital room. On the white board is a note stating the exact same date. There is a loud beep that is turned off and the radio is playing in the background. "Time of death 5:32PM."

A bunch of detectives enter the room and talk to a woman sitting in a chair with a notepad. "Did he say anything about the bodies or the money?"

"For the past couple hours he was babbling incoherently. He then shouted at the top of his lungs then died."

"Thank you for your time."

While they leave the room the DJ starts to speak, "A couple weeks ago we got a letter with a request to play Joy by Apollo 100 at this exact time. So as requested here it is." The music plays while the staff starts to work with the corpse.

The madman on the loose is dead and by one person, the world is a better place.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Season recap

Due to things at my work being busy as well as a physical situation which I am grateful that it happened in mid November and not next June or early July, my 2021 disc golf season ended in early November. Though I could have tried to play a one round event or club round, need to focus on getting better especially since playing or navigating a course could make things worse.

In spite of missing many events due to multiple physical issues suffered in 2021, still played more rated rounds and earned more points than any previous year. Though my highest rated round and two others equalling my previous best round in 2018 were played this year, I have struggled overall.

The color of my rating reflects how difficult I perceived the course I played. I also decided to list the rating for an even par round for all tournament rounds only since league rounds generally have fewer players. I did not think having a hazard penalty apply for make that much a difference but the two most difficult events were on them as well as the Northwoods Park blue course event. Granted consistent wind at Round Lake and severe winds at Kress Creek made the hazard rounds worse. Even with par as I perceive it, the six rounds at 50 Acre played without high winds and driving rain were the easiest.

The rated birdies chart is based on what I believe par is for me and for the Valparaiso event, I used the event hole number as opposed to the course one since there were merged holes. Had I played the Clash pro event, would have done the same thing

Was surprised that #1 produced the most birdies.