Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Thursday by the numbers

Blocks walked uphill to get a "real" breakfast: 6
Discs purchased at Infinite Disc tent set up at Coyote Hills: 2
Shots in a row hitting a tree on #4: 4
Times I threw a provisional shot unsure if my shot would be found after it was significantly off line: 3
OB shots that were retrieved by someone who was watching or spotting: 2
Birdies: 1
More shots taken on front nine compared to when I practiced it on Sunday: 7
Shots over par: 15
Shots below rating: 5

People in line in front of me at ballpark for players party: 100
Illinois players whom I met there: 3
Distance to CTP target from the stands to win a disc: 280
Farthest I could throw the midrange disc provided for the contest: 260
Mini disc golf holes set up in area behind centerfield wall: 9
Professional world champions seen while waiting in line to play mini disc golf: 1

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