Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Self quarantine

After hearing that a US Senator whose views I strongly oppose has been required to self quarantine due to potential exposure to the COVIN-19 virus, I started wondering what would happen to me in that situation if I got a notice today.

First off, I would stop at the grocery store or make arrangements to get delivered enough Coke Zero to avoid withdrawal as well as enough food. I would also try to find a way to borrow a treadmill and make arrangements to use two weeks of my vacation time and with no major plans in 2020, it would not be the worst thing to happen.

I would miss a tournament but it being on a course that exposes my two biggest weaknesses (distance and forehand), with one player who would be expected to be ten shots better than me for a 28 (yes, 28) hole round and three others who would be expected to be 15 or more worse than me (whom I have a 40% chance of playing with in round two). If I had to choose a planned event to miss, this would be on top.

Between gaming, streaming, and my putting basket, I might be able to find a way to occupy much of my time during this potentially losing 5 pounds while being physically in less pain and having a new desire to be back at work when done.

However, that would also mean that either my daughter or I would be exposed to a virus that with my immune suppression medication could be deadly. Since both of us deal with the public while earning money, this situation is plausible.

Hopefully, this plan of action won't be necessary.

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