Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Getting out of bed

As I try to function through the day in pain am occasionally asked why I don't seek disability. My reply is that my alarm rings before the sun rises now so I can play tournament disc golf. To be fair, my reply five years ago was different but disc golf is my priority today.

Though it was expected, sanctioned tournament events have been suspended until the medical situation that many uninformed and ignorant people dispute or ignore.

People across the country heading en masse to a beach, a bar, or a restaurant in spite of warnings and guidelines established by medical experts validated by both political parties (after one initially refused to do so) act a child that refuses to listen to a parent.

Generally when that happens to a child, a parent will reply with harsher guidelines and if the pattern continues, the child is given a time out or grounded.

San Francisco is currently under a three week lockdown. Illinois currently has a ban on dine in food and bars. My co-workers who are unable to work from home along with people I know wondered why my company chooses to keep working.

I realized that it is possible that the government will shut down all non essential work. The longer my company is closed could increase the possibility that it would not reopen and unsure about if I would need to use paid time off, won't use any until I must.

So even though I have no clear idea when my next event would be (Apr 18, May 3, May 16-17) I still need to set my alarm and get to work in the morning as long as I am allowed to do so.

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