Friday, November 20, 2020

COVID-19 state analysis

The map indicates where the top 25 states ranked in Covid-19 positive tests per population and who won the state in the 2020 presidential election as I looked up on worldometers shortly before I created the map on 11/20.

Though the Sturgis motorcycle rally in August did not produce the immediate results that were expected by many, the current situation appears to be a reflection of that. Also ND has a 50% higher rate than all states but SD and IA which shows how severe they are compared to the balance of the country.

As far as state by state, half the states had a majority for each candidate in the 2020 election. Having the top 25 split 19-6 one way is too large a difference to believe it happened by chance.

It would be fair to note that the new England states which had many cases in March/ April and are still 1-4 in deaths per population could be undercounted in total cases as full testing and diagnosis was not available at that time.

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