Saturday, June 1, 2019

The fourth requirement

Spurned by the Las Vegas shooting spree, I posted that all anyone needs to kill many is desire, opportunity, and equipment and realized that can apply to anything anyone wanted to do.

I applied that to a personal situation (which I might be repeating as this is released) but discovered a flaw. Though success via the plan was obtainable in theory, had the plan been attempted, it would have ended up significantly failing due to my inability to successfully engage it even though desire, opportunity, and equipment were available.

I realized that the ability to use equipment (or aptitude) is also necessary to accomplish anything.

For example: I am occasionally asked by people who don't understand why I play disc golf on the amateur level and not as a pro.

I do have the desire. I can easily change my membership from am to pro, and there are events where I can play pro in the 50+ division with my equipment.

I don't play pro because I am not good enough to do so. I know someone else who though he has the aptitude, has no desire to do that. All four things are required.

Also when asked about me being intimate with anyone, the results are 2 no, 1 meh, and 1 not sure anymore.

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