Friday, March 12, 2021

Virtually at home

Currently listening to the virtual Marscon music track as in person would not yet work. Had the 2020 event been the second March weekend as it has been in the past as opposed to the first one, it is likely it would have not happened as well.

Since in 2015 when I realized my time, energy, vacation, and money needed to go towards something I can do as opposed to watching people do things I can't, wearing a t shirt I have not worn since the last time I made the 400+ mile trip in 2016.

Though I still believe my decision was correct remembering my experience at the 2019 AM worlds, part of me still misses being there and 10 AM will mark the fourth straight Marscon Saturday 10AM at the course where my next event is scheduled to be held for the quest for 500 to reenforce my decision.

Been wanting to travel out of town for an event during that weekend but remember too late to register.

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