Friday, December 27, 2019

The Looney World

Catching my eye in the gaming room at my first true sci-fi converntion, Capricon 2002, was a card game based on historical events where players needed to change history to match their character's timeline. It was called Chrononauts and I soon purchased a copy.

Over the years, I have purchased multiple games and game supplements from the makers of that game, Looney Labs. Andy and Kristin Looney found and operate the company and I have had the pleasure of seeing and talking to them at a couple of conventions where they were a guest of honor.

Their must popular game is a card game called Fluxx and over the years, there have been multiple versions of the game many based on movies and TV shows which they were able to make after getting licensing permission. I believe I now own six different versions among the two dozen plus that have been released over the years.

Recently, I was able to get a copy of Jumanji Fluxx at a game store which is the deluxe version of the game with 7 additional cards as opposed to chain store versions which only sells the basic version. I knew to get it at a game store since it was referenced in the monthly email I get from Looney Labs themselves.

When Looney Labe first produced games, they were only available in game stores as opposed to major retail outlets so it makes sense that the versions sold at game stores would have more for the same price. Other companies have done the same thing as well with their games.

Since Jumanji Fluxx has a game mechanic that applies once the deck needs to be reshuffled (unlike any the other versions), having 7 extra cards changes this version of the game more than any of the previous ones and when my daughter got the regular version of the game on Dec 25th from her mother, I explained that and showed her the website.

Today, I got an angry text message from her mother calling me a liar who then refused to look at the website I referenced. Reminds me of similar encounters with Trump supporters.

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