For a long time, I have changed words to songs mainly played in December even before I discovered that others have made recordings. Today, I often recite them especially in my head at work.
Here is a quiz to guess whether the December parody idea or recording is mine, someone else's, or a combination (three dots mean a gap in lyrics since I didn't want the post to be too long);
1: Come they told me to Nakatomi.
2: You better watch out and cover your eyes. You better not look, I'm telling you why. The mall Santa pulled his pants down.
3: A lay in a manger; no need for a bed. There's room to have coitus; there's room to give head.
4: Rudolph the brown nosed reindeer; soon he will be history.
5: Here comes Santa Claus right down Santa Claus Lane. With a machine gun and lots of ammo, starts blowing children away.
6: Sir we gotta buy this thong, for my momma please ... I want it to be beautiful if momma nailed Santa tonight.
7: I'm dreaming of Alt-right Christmas ... and may all Amerikkka be white.
8: Oh Christmas tree; oh Christmas tree. The fucking dog just peed on it.
9: Chipmunks roasting on an open fire. Hot sauce dripping from their toes.
10: City sidewalks, lonely man stalks looking for a good time ... Suck my balls. Suck my balls; then let me play with your titties.
11: Now my DM is a curmudgeon; he trapped me in a dungeon. I hope these dice will save my troll. Let it roll, let it roll, let it roll.
12: Hark the Herald Tribune rings advertising wondrous things.
13: There's no thing like blow for the holidays ... Just set yourself up with a couple lines; for the holidays you'll have get up and go.
14: Police shot my dad ... Police shot my dad for being black since did nothing bad.
15: Make yourself a realistic wish list. Do you look at price?
16: Put on some eye shade and join the parade walking 'round in women's underwear.
17: Frosty the ho man ... First he finds them dates then he sets the rates for 40 bucks she'll suck your cock.
18: There's no holidays ... Just holy days for the foolish. There's no holidays. Screw you.
19: All I want is naught for Christmas. There's not one thing that I need. If you go and get a present, that is an insult to me.
20: Hark I hear bells, charity bells, ringing today, six weeks away?
21: We wish you a Merry Christmas and please buy our beer!
22: Who is the guy that's yellow and round? PacMan is the guy that's yellow and round.
23: Jingle my, jingle my, jingle my cock.
24: I saw daddy kissing Santa Claus underneath the mistletoe last night
25: It's my last Christmas and I'm falling apart ... for I am a dying shell of a man.
26: Walking 'round the dead bodies at the Christmas party morgue
27: It's the most wonderful time of the year. There'll be much nipple-sucking and everyone fucking a dead rotting deer.
1: Insane Ian and Bonecage "Die Hard Christmas (2016)
2: Me (80s initially) that Carrie Dahlby turned into a full version of a song in '06.
3: Playboy December edition early 90s
4: Initially late 80s song played on Dr. Demento Show by Rudy and the Reindeer. That line I created.
5: Me (80s) song "Terror on Santa Claus Lane" where first verse explains Santa gunning down patrons at a parade and next verse trying to figure out why. That idea ended up applying to the Mall Santa song when stating he forgot his meds. This was before Weird Al's "The Night Santa Went Crazy" was released.
6: Robert Lund "The Christmas Thong" ('08) Written by Spaff
7: both - Song is from Tommy Safespace and the Libtards "It's an Alt-right Christmas" ('16) that features parodies of songs from the warped point of view by many who celebrated the 2016 presidential election (and 2024) results.
When I first saw the movie Holiday Inn during the late 90s, was surprised an inn only open on holidays was open on Lincoln's birthday being 2 days before Valentines Day. This was done so Bing Crosby could do a song in blackface so I started to parody White Christmas from the point of view of a man who did that Lincoln song.
After the 2016 election, the phrase Alt-right became popular and I posted to Facebook that my brain was making that song and someone with far more musical talent than me turned it into a full medley of songs. The second line of the song "the madman told me so" references me providing the idea.
8: Me (80s) My mom was hammering a nail to hang a wreath and the dog peed on it.
9: Bob Rivers (2000)
10: Me (80s)
11: Luke Ski "It's an Fanboy Christmas" (2000) A compilation of December parodies with a sci-fi theme. The format of the song was used for the "It's an Alt-right Christmas" song
12: Tom Lehrer A Christmas Carol (1959)
13: Me ('20)
14: Tommy Safespace - A different parody from the 2016 song.
15: Carla Ulbrich ('24)
16: Bob Rivers ('93)
17: Playboy early 90s
18: Me ('20)
19: Me ('24) Contrived while doing this list
20: Me ('10) Hearing the Salvation Army bells at Yorktown Mall on my 45th birthday which is exactly 6 weeks before Christmas.
21: Stan Freberg Green Chri$tma$ (1958)
22: Luke Ski "It's an Fanboy Christmas 3" ('10)
23: Me (80s)
24: Kip Adotta ('84) who is known for the song "Wet Dream"
25: Me ('16) Yes, I would deserve to go to hell but since hell was created by people in charge who wanted to discourage others from rebellion against the rulers, that is not plausible.
26: Art Paul Schlosser ('04) I bought that CD the day Tony Goldmark turned 21.
27: ShoEboX from Worm Quartet - He doesn't generally do parodies but the ones he creates are amazing. I am hoping he is able to attend Marscon in 2025 dammit.