Saturday, March 8, 2025

Marscon days 1&2 by the numbers

Days Marscon officially happens: 3

Days Marscon lasts for me: 5

Time up on Thursday morning: 2:40 AM

Hours worked Thursday before getting on road: 4

Nine hole courses played on trip: 2

Times stopped for bathroom/food/gas: 6

Total time from leaving work to arriving at hotel: 9:30

Time taken in 2023 to beat an approaching winter storm: 6:10

Consecutive times Luke Ski attended Marscon before missing this year: 21

People on Thursday helping with posting music track flyers: 6

Time in bed after hanging out and helping others that arrived later than me: 11:40PM

Cost of hotel omelette: $21

Minutes needed to drive to Bethel University disc golf course: 35

Rounds planning to play there in the 2025 Masters disc golf world championship: 3

Inches on snow that fell at MSP airport on Wednesday: 9

Feet the drive on course hole 2 slid down snow covered hill after hitting ground: 80

Elevation in floors needed to navigate to play the Bethel University course: 15

Holes played there trudging through snow before heading back to car and driving back to hotel: 3

People at hotel who didn't know my name but knew I worked with Luke and asked me if I can get his badge to him: 2

Cost of Long John Silvers fish meal at the Mall of America west food court: $20

Times over the years taking a picture flipping off a giant Pepsi logo in that court: 15

Year I took a picture of that logo not flipping it off since Flat 29 was eating at the table below it: 2013

Mall locations I made a purchase: 3

Age of female divorced Famous Footwear store manager who appeared interested in me causing me to return to the store to get the dry fit socks I have wanted to get for a while allowing me the opportunity to invite her to stop by the con after she was done with work: 58

Times checking on the massage room since my right knee went "no" while walking in the mall and I needed urgent help: 6

Minutes Sulu, a former part of the Dr Demento Show crew, was stuck on an elevator: 60

Adult beverages consumed at party rooms: 3

Age of first performer: 13

Of her three songs performed, number of tracks that featured a significant amount of adult language: 2

Years since former GOH was at Marscon: 10

People in crowd whom I saw singing along with him: 8

Years ago the previous time I got up from my seat in the audience and my legs failed requiring me to grab a chair to avoid falling: 10

Songs I heard from next two acts due to being tired and showing the 13 year old performer pictures I took of her parents at Marscon before she was born: 2

People seen expressing anticipation for seeing the music guest of honor: 7

Items purchased from table 27 including shirt of the music GOH whose act I was too tired to appreciate: 3

Time in bed: 12:30AM

Friday, January 24, 2025

2024 by the numbers

Sanctioned rounds played: 31

Holes played in sanctioned rounds: 644

Total to par: +4

Score to par on holes 17 and 18: +24

B tiers played: 5

B tiers in lead or tied for lead during round 2: 4

B tiers won: 1

Two round C tiers won: 1

Flex starts won: 2

Rating increase in 2024: 20

Points above previous high: 17

Number of states played: 6

Total courses played: 61

Number courses played for first time in 2024: 23

Total unique holes birdied: 368

Birdies from throw ins: 9

Holes never birdied before: 169

Of those 169...

On courses not played before 2024: 115

New options on familiar courses: 22

Holes played at least 10 times before first birdie: 10

Of the 10: At Eagle Ridge: 4

Of the 4, during the B tier won there: 2

Lifetime unique holes birdied: 897

Total 2024 metal hits off tee or second shot on par 4: 8

Aces: 1

Total lifetime aces: 9

Lifetime Aces at Horizon Park: 5

Lifetime aces done between May 15 and Aug 11: 0

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Marscon preview

With the future becoming more undecided than ever, realized 2025 could be my last March trip to the twin cities to see many perform and my brain has been ranking the main stage performers by the desire to see their show so to get it out of my head from least to most desired...

Redgar and the Fighters: I have seen them before and nothing really stood out. 

"Needlejuice collaborations": There are multiple collaborations with or associated with Jace who oversees the operations of that company which has impressed me with what they do. The generation gap I have with their work has decreased over the past few years.

Meowmeme: After hearing how well it can sound in rehearsal, realized the energy on stage can overwhelm the performance.

King Missle/Dogbowl: I have known the names but not the music. After the announcement, heard their music and meh. Others have shown their enthusiasm upon the announcement, so will be interested in what they do.

Carrie Dahlby: Nice to see a show featuring her.

Steve Goodie: Glad he is making the trip.

Ross Childs: Sub for Luke Ski. 

Insane Ian: Since he took over the Logan Awards, it has become better. 

Worm Quartet: Life has many times caused a WQ show to be canceled and am hoping he makes the trip to play tracks from his most recent album.

Devo Spice: Since he runs FuMPFeST, he doesn't do a full show there. Due to life (his and mine) it has been a long time since I saw a full performance.