Sunday, December 6, 2020

Math and pizza

Other than attempting to add scores after a frustrating round of disc golf, my math skills are exceptional if not superior. The obvious question of why am I not changing the world with those skills if they exist is a different post.

After a long day moving paper and delivering food, was hungry and did not want to heat something at home. Since there were ten cars in the Wendy's drive through, went to the local Speedway gas station wanting to get a 14" pizza to eat half when I get home and half the following day.

There was disappointment upon realizing the large pizza was not available but the 7" personal one was. The person who makes them told me that they are out of 14" crusts but he would make two 7" ones for the same price as the 14".

After confirming in my mind the area of a circle (or pizza) is π times the radius squared stated that a 7" pizza is a quarter of the area of a 14" one which he denied.

The combative version of me from a decade or more ago would have attempted to explain the math, called him out for trying to rip me off, mentioned that he is working a gas station cafe on a Saturday night, and stated he is why some people should not make $15/hr.

The 55 year old version of me realized confronting him is not worth the effort and that I did not want him to make any food for me so instead of getting a sandwich, turned away and shaking my head walked out.


When that person was in preschool, a Subway employee barely 5 feet tall put everything on a sandwich for a hungry man who worked a ten hour day and told him he will like it that way then offered to punch out and deal with him behind the building. That employee was not expecting a sucker kick to the groin as he followed the hungry man out the door.

I paused when I heard his statement. Then again realized best to get food somewhere else. However his statement won't be ignored. While eating Little Caesars (where I ended up after two cars pulled into Popeye's while I was waiting to turn left into the lot), went to Speedway Cafe on line and explained what happened. I did not want a free anything as sometimes items are not available. I did not want that employee punished. I just want someone to explain to him how math works.

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