Thursday, December 5, 2019

An Alt-Right Christmas

About twenty years ago, I was at my parents house and the movie Holiday Inn was on TV so I was watching it with my father. I had no idea the movie was about a dinner theatre at a barn which only did performances on holidays but went along with the premise.

After the New Years Day show, I was surprised that the next holiday show was on Lincoln's Birthday. Since MLK was 13 in 1942, the third Monday in January was just another day and Presidents Day was not established until 1971, Lincoln's birthday was the next one chronologically but would have expected it to be skipped since Valentines Day was 2 days later.

There was a female singer with the cast who was moonlighting at the Holiday Inn and there was a problem since someone with her regular job was there on Lincoln's Birthday so they came up with a "solution" to do the performance but disguise her identity:

This used to be on you tube but was taken down for obvious reasons. Knowing White Christmas was performed later in the movie, every time I would hear that song, I would parody it from the point of view of someone whose meaning of white based on what his character did earlier in the movie does not appear to be snow .

Following the unexpected results from the 2016 presidential election, many started marching celebrating that they were going to "Make America great again". The term Alt-right was coined to soften the description of those referenced as white extremists, fascists, and Nazis.

My parody of the song White Christmas changed based on that where in the first line the words "a white" was changed to "alt-right" and three years ago today I posted that to FB mentioning that if someone with more musical talent and ability wants to use that idea to go ahead.

The next day, multiple time Logan Award winner Chris Mezzolesta sent me a private FB message with complete lyrics to a montage of parodies from the "alt-right" perspective called "It's an Alt-Right Christmas." I was floored by how quickly this was done and with being referenced in the second line of the song.

A little over a week later, this video was created which mentions me in the credits:

I even saw this posted on Funny or Die.

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