Unlike last year, I am very pleased that the former Twin Cities group the Nick Atoms were named the guest of honor as they are doing one last show together. It is also FTW that Schaffer the Darklord and Throwing Toasters (along with the podcast winning radio show Dr. Floyd) will be making their first Marscon appearance traveling from NYC and LA respectively for the show.
However, there will also be artists at Marscon whose music and personality clash with me which is starting to become more common than I want it to be as people who are considerably younger than me are joining our group of friends and are making music.
This chart reflects my personal opinion of the artists currently on the schedule.

I can not thank enough the great Luke Ski for his hard work in bringing awesome music to the convention and for the convention itself for allowing it to become the place to travel in March to see many of the best artists in comedy music perform.
I'm flattered. And very much looking forward to March!
I will say thank you for MarsCon since I was one of its many founders and even though I am in Arizona, I am still involved:)
Also, thanks Luke/Grant and many others for bringing great talent to MarsCon!!
Jolene Hardy
former con chair & now advisor
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