Saturday, March 8, 2025
Marscon Saturday
Marscon days 1&2 by the numbers
Days Marscon officially happens: 3
Days Marscon lasts for me: 5
Time up on Thursday morning: 2:40 AM
Hours worked Thursday before getting on road: 4
Nine hole courses played on trip: 2
Times stopped for bathroom/food/gas: 6
Total time from leaving work to arriving at hotel: 9:30
Time taken in 2023 to beat an approaching winter storm: 6:10
Consecutive times Luke Ski attended Marscon before missing this year: 21
People on Thursday helping with posting music track flyers: 6
Time in bed after hanging out and helping others that arrived later than me: 11:40PM
Cost of hotel omelette: $21
Minutes needed to drive to Bethel University disc golf course: 35
Rounds planning to play there in the 2025 Masters disc golf world championship: 3
Inches on snow that fell at MSP airport on Wednesday: 9
Feet the drive on course hole 2 slid down snow covered hill after hitting ground: 80
Elevation in floors needed to navigate to play the Bethel University course: 15
Holes played there trudging through snow before heading back to car and driving back to hotel: 3
People at hotel who didn't know my name but knew I worked with Luke and asked me if I can get his badge to him: 2
Cost of Long John Silvers fish meal at the Mall of America west food court: $20
Times over the years taking a picture flipping off a giant Pepsi logo in that court: 15
Year I took a picture of that logo not flipping it off since Flat 29 was eating at the table below it: 2013
Mall locations I made a purchase: 3
Age of female divorced Famous Footwear store manager who appeared interested in me causing me to return to the store to get the dry fit socks I have wanted to get for a while allowing me the opportunity to invite her to stop by the con after she was done with work: 58
Times checking on the massage room since my right knee went "no" while walking in the mall and I needed urgent help: 6
Minutes Sulu, a former part of the Dr Demento Show crew, was stuck on an elevator: 60
Adult beverages consumed at party rooms: 3
Age of first performer: 13
Of her three songs performed, number of tracks that featured a significant amount of adult language: 2
Years since former GOH was at Marscon: 10
People in crowd whom I saw singing along with him: 8
Years ago the previous time I got up from my seat in the audience and my legs failed requiring me to grab a chair to avoid falling: 10
Songs I heard from next two acts due to being tired and showing the 13 year old performer pictures I took of her parents at Marscon before she was born: 2
People seen expressing anticipation for seeing the music guest of honor: 7
Items purchased from table 27 including shirt of the music GOH whose act I was too tired to appreciate: 3
Time in bed: 12:30AM