Total courses played: 53
States played: 5
New courses played: 12
Tournaments completed: 22
Desired tournaments not played: 14
Tournaments not finished: 1
League rounds played: 4
Unrated club rounds played: 3
Total rated rounds played: 42
Event wins: 2
Lifetime IOS events played without a win: 35
IOS events played in 2023: 4
Other players to play 4 or more of the seven 2023 IOS events required to win series title in MA50: 0
Total players in MA50 and MA55 at Illinois State Championship: 23
Number of those who took more shots than me in round one: 22
Number of shots better than me a player in FA1 was for that round: 7
Among the 53 B tier or higher lifetime events played previously or since did I have a solo lead at the end of a round: 0
Years before that I was tied for first after round one of a B tier: 6
People who were listed on the lead card in round two above me: 1
Other rated events where pairings are redone I have seen where the first place player does not get the honor to tee off first on the lead card: 0
Dollars I will pay to that TD in the future unless I get a satisfactory explanation or apology: 0
Of top five rated rounds from 2023, number that occurred among last five played: 4
Number of those among 11 highest lifetime rated rounds played: 3
High temp in F° for those days: 54, 47, 41
Of my eleven highest lifetime rated rounds, at 50 Acre: 4
At Fairfield White: 3
At Dellwood: 2
At Lemon Lake: 1
At Red Fox: 1
Of those 11 rounds at league/flex start/MP50/major/non major MA50: 3/1/1/1/5
People who claim you can't get a high rated round at 50 Acre: dozens
Different holes birdied in 2023: 304
Of those, on a hole I had never done before 2023: 137
Lifetime unique birdies: 725
Metal hits: 8
Dollars won on only ace of the year: 260
Age Steve Goodie became on the day I got the ace: 58
Age Weird Al became on the day I got previous ace: 62
Times in 2023 seeing Steve Goodie do his act with "weird Al and Daniel Radcliffe" (who played Weird Al in his "bio pic"): 2
Different discs used to get a birdie: 55
Different companies from those discs: 9
Discs lost in water: 5
Discs lost in trees: 4
Discs lost in leaves: 1
Times the lost disc was a DX Leopardo: 5
Lost discs found and returned to me: 1
Shots in 2023 I considered better than the ace: 2
Number of times since 2017 a shot on #13 at 50 Acre was considered shot of the year: 3
Times I had more "deuces" at the course than 2s on the scorecard in a tournament: 2
"Deuces" on course playing by myself: 2
Articles of clothing thrown in garbage due to them: 3