FuMPFeST 2021 exceeded expectations be it music, interactions, or the fact that by resurrecting the "USS Whitehurst" for one more weekend and making multiple trips from the hotel to the airport or train stations, I felt like I was contributing to making the weekend better. To be honest, the only regret from the weekend within expectations was not taking a picture with my 21 year old daughter there which I get reminded when seeing ones taken with her at past events.
Since it was not a scifi con, late night activities were limited but since I don't drink anymore and since midnight seems real late to me now, I generally left after the main part of the evening was over anyway even on the night others were hanging out for late night activities.
My daughter is at the point where she regularly stays of late. There have been times when waking up at 3 AM to use the bathroom will hear her going strong on line.
A couple people suggested that since she is now 21 she should go to Minnesota next March to party like I used to do and stated they will make sure she is ok. My first instinct was to go there and watch her myself but realized that is not a good idea.
I generally don't stay up that late anymore even though I work until 8PM or later. My last party at a con was the weekend of my 50th birthday and by Saturday night, realized I was no longer up for doing it, and was out of the hotel by 9AM the next morning.
My focus is now on doing what I can do as opposed to watching people do what I can't. The number of times I rehearsed the babble I did during dumb parody ideas far exceeded the response I got even though I knew it was for someone who wasn't even there.
Two of the people who want my daughter to party with her are adult daughters of people I used to hang out late with and have seen awkward interactions between them and their parents at Marscon and realize my presence there would likely produce the same interaction.
One of the first things I did when going back to work after FuMPFeST was to find the date for the 2022 PDGA Masters World Championship (July 12-16) knowing that is when my next Christmas will be. Then I listened to some of the music produced by the 2022 Marscon music GOH. Even though an improved financial situation would make attending possible, other than seeing some people I have not seen in 5 years, there is no reason to go.
FuMPFeST 2021 was awesome and if it is my last event like this, it was a great way to end a portion of my life.