Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The origin of the non plausible concept

In either second or third grade at St. Augustine School, I checked out a science book which explained the evolution of life on Earth and realized that those findings (based on examining the fossilized decay of Carbon 14) conflicted with the origin of life that exists in the Bible.

I asked my nun teacher (not the one that would tickle me during class when I would not smile; that was first grade) about it in class and she told me that this type of thinking would cause me to suffer eternal damnation and demanded that I state that I want to go to heaven when I die.

The next time I got that book, I asked one of the brothers about evolution and he immediately replied one word, "Faith."

About a month later, I asked about that book and found out it was no longer available.

Fortunately a teacher at St. Joseph and St. Anne got me into watching the PBS series Cosmos where I realized that there were others who chose fact over faith and my aunt, Sr. Katherine Bobber, who gave me a book which explained how many supernatural events in history could be the result of a technology from a species that was able to travel to our planet.

I used to say that any reference to God is not possible but realized that the phrase not plausible is more accurate. Plausible means that there is evidence that suggests an idea might be correct and non plausible means there isn't. When someone asks me about the origin of the universe, I state that I don't know what it is but I know is was not created 10,000 years ago.

Occasionally I will see a sign advising parishioners and others to ignore science and believe in faith. I feel sorry for those people who have turned away from logic and claim they are being attacked while they decide to cherry pick phrases from a book to justify harming others.

A couple of weeks ago, I explained to someone who today is celebrating Alabama's decision to make women broodmares of the state about how thanks to my blog, I realized that the negative reactions I would get from many over decades was not because they were assholes but instead they were reacting to one.

Multiple times he would try to reference how God could help me and that I should pray about it and my reaction was to explain that I on my own discovered that with thought and logic on my own.

I wonder if he will ever realize that I was not opening up to him but actually preaching to him.