HGI every year at this time does special analysis of the conditions and situation and makes an investment which has proven over the long run to be profitable and right now isn't long term security at the forefront of everybody's mind?
Here is a chart which shows you what we are stating:

See? A 233 percent profit when a 18 percent loss is the statistical average and we are talking about a 20 year span.
Now you may ask what type of people are involved with Hardcore Gaming Incorporated. Do you know of someone who can do math in his head before you type the numbers in the calculator? Or someone who can ramble for way too long about a stupid football game when you state a number between 1 and 43? No? Consider yourself fortunate. But this is the type of person whose analysis, experience, and intuition in the field is at the heart of the success at HGI.
Let me tell you, By the distance between your nose and outstretched hand the profit could have been almost 600 percent. That is a big deal, isn't it? But isn't 233 percent still worth the effort?
How to do it? Simple. There are many places which you yourself can make this investment. Just remember the name General Quarters or the number 12 and declare the amount of your future winning investment.
Now what about HGI? Easy, once you collect the return on your investment, just send us 10% of your profit. Just realize this: At the current return rate over the past 20 years you would still more than double your money.
The time you have to make this investment is running out. Late Saturday afternoon, it will be too late and this amazing opportunity won't be around for another year. Act now while you can!
Hardcore Gaming Incorporated is not responsible for any losses occurred by those following their advice. Please remember past performance is not indicative of future results.